Parish of All Saints'


Bexhill on Sea.

Saints of the Month. Message from Fr Ian

Message from Fr Ian


We are blessed at All Saints to have not just one saint, but all the saints as our heavenly patrons.  That said, in a parish with one patron saint it can be much easier to learn about that particular saint and to feel their spiritual companionship.  At All Saints' I feel that part of our vocation as a community is to grow in holiness, that is sanctity.

That's not to mean growing "holier than thou" - quite the opposite.  Growing in holiness is to grow in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.  These are the 'fruits of the Spirit' that St Paul talkes of in his letter to the Galatians (Ch5: 22-23). The saints, in various ways, all exhibit these fruits. 

Almost all the earliest saints after Christ died violent deaths for the sake of His Name.  (The Blessed Virgin Mary and St John the Evangelist are noted exceptions). As time went on and the persecution of Christians lessened, and in the Roman Empire Christiianity became the imperial religion.  The holiness of communities and individuals was noted in different ways.  The most obvious were the Desert Fathers and Mothers.  Men and women who left all to follow Christ into the deserts of Egypt and Palestine and live as hermits or small communities of Monks and Nuns.

It is my hope that this year, which is our diocesan Year of Faith, we might learn better some of the stories of those who have gone before us in the faith, and take inspiration from their examples, and courage from their fellowship.

Each month we will have a look at two Saints, mostly from the early Church, who are perhaps not so well known to us,so that we might take encouragement from them on our journey through this life.

One Final Note - there are many Saints known to the whole Church, but we trust and believe that there are many Saints who are known only to God.  It is quite possible that you have met some - people who through whom the love of God seems to shine, or have a peaceful presence.  They may unsettle us as well - their presence or words may challenge us to think more deeply about our faith.  Whatever the case, we should never forget we are already in some sense, saints, that is, people called out of this worldand set apart for the wonderful life of the world to come that God is preparing us for.  It is joyful to be called to be, each and every one, all saints!

Fr Ian

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