All Saints' Church 


Bexhill on Sea.





If you missed this years Flower Festival, you will find a selection of pictures taken which you can peruse at your leisure in the Photo section of this website.


A big THANK YOU, to all who helped and everyone who supported our Summer Fayre, held last weekend 20th July.

The  weather was on the whole, dry and sunny.  First class coffee, cakes and bacon rolls were enjoyed along with musical accompaniment provided by Sussex Brass, who kindly gave up their free time to come and support us.  Raffle, Tombola, games, fun for all ages.  We are so grateful to everyone who attended and helped us raise over £800 towards our Church Funds.  


Thank you to everyone who came to our Quiz night on Saturday 8th June, a great night was had by all.  A special vote of thanks goes to our Quiz Maestro Angela, who put in a lot of work arranging this fun evening for us.


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